Friday, 3 May 2013

Welcome Home

   Well I made it home safely. It felt so weird to only be there for a week. Saying good-bye to my kids after such a short time was heart breaking. I'll be back soon though, so that makes it better. My last day in Uganda was spent in Kampala. I got to visit one of the kids that I sponsor named Joe. This little boy has gotten so big. I was in Uganda when this sweet little boy was rescued as an infant. I was 17 years old and I will never forget that day. Now, 4 years later, this boy has grown into a loved and healthy little boy.

   I spent as much time as I could with this sweet boy. It was so good to see him again. Once my time was up at the village I got in the van and headed back to the hotel so that I could pack. The only thing that I could think about was my last walk through the red dirt. 

   It was a bitter sweet feeling to get on the plane and head back to Los Angeles. I was excited to go home, but also sad to be away from my children. I was really going to miss them. I had an amazing trip. I didn't think that God was going to use me in the ways that he did in such a short amount of time. I was hoping that, even though it was a brief trip, that God would be able to use me to do big things for His kingdom. He did. I love every second that I am in Uganda. In Uganda, I thrive. Something awakens inside me and its unstoppable. 

   People ask me all the time if it is hard to be in Uganda and see all the things that I see. To be honest, it is way harder coming home than it is going. It is really hard for me to relate to people here once I get back to Los Angeles. My heart is just in a different place than most people that live in my city. While some people here are worried about their cell phones breaking, the newest iphone, the newest car someone is driving...I'm worried about Bogere, Clovis, and the other children that have stolen my heart. Patience... patience is key in surviving Los Angeles.  

"Jesus thank you so much for allowing me to go to Uganda and be with my children. Thank you for using me in many ways. Please give me the patience that I need to survive Los Angeles. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Please protect my children. Thank you for City of Lights baby home and all the babies that will be rescued. I love you! Amen."