This verse has gotten me through a lot of hard times…these past couple weeks in particular. One of my closest friends lost her father last week. This man was amazing. He was at every basketball game, every volleyball game, and every choir concert. As me and my friend Christy grew up together, her father was like another father to me, always supportive and always believing the best in his children and those he cared about. His death was so sudden, it rocked everyone.
My heart breaks to see my friend going through this. While trying to comfort my friend, my world was also rocked. My mom called to let me know that grandpa went to be with Jesus. I was devastated when I heard the news. My grandpa, "Pop", was one of the most amazing men I know. It's still hard to believe that he is gone.
( I'm the one in the yellow and my cousin Mallory is the baby! )
I was so overwhelmed and stressed out this week that I did not take a minute to be alone with Jesus. I told myself that I had too many things to do and I would do it later, then later turned into days, then 2 weeks. I found myself getting more and more frustrated and overwhelmed. I was not feeling better, in fact, I was feeling worse. The stresses of life and the heart ache that I was going through was getting too much for me to do alone, but I wouldn't admit it to myself or to God. Then one morning while driving to school I played worship music in the car. I let the Holy Spirit speak into my heart. I broke down crying and just let Jesus fill my heart with his love and peace. It was just what I needed. I finally had the moment with Jesus that I had been needing.
When I finally couldn't take it anymore, I let God into my heart and He brought peace and strength in that moment. After my time with Jesus I felt I had the strength to get through this situation I was in and help my friends and family with their hurts as well. "God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1. There is no need to go through things alone, God will give you EVERYTHING you need to overcome the challenge.
People have told me that the second most important decision of your life, after the decision to follow Jesus, is the decision of who you marry because that person will affect EVERYTHING in your life. After having a couple weeks like the ones I've had, I can honestly say that I married a wonderful man and he is the best decision I ever made. We have only been married for 3 weeks and he has helped me through all of these hard situations. My husband has gone above and beyond for me, loving me, comforting me, and praying for me. He has been such an amazing support to me and the whole family during this time and I cannot imagine doing life without him.
My friend Christy's mother was married to her husband for 36 years. Just a couple days after her husband died she told me this, "Paris, there were times during my marriage where I was convinced I married the wrong man, but instead of leaving I stayed and persevered. I know now that I married the right man, make sure you tell your husband that you are confident in your decision to marry him and that he is the perfect man for you." I will listen to that advise. Life is so short, if you love someone, tell them.
My grandma was married to my grandpa for 50+ years. She loved him, supported him, cared for him, and encouraged him through every good time and bad. That woman is one of the few people I know who actually take their vows seriously. My grandma loved my grandpa through everything and she stayed by his side no matter. I am so proud of my grandma, she is such a strong woman. She has been such a great example of how a wife should love her husband. I have learned and will continue to learn a lot from her example.
"Thank you Jesus for your strength and your peace. Thank you for loving me and protecting me. I pray that you will overwhelm my friends and family with your peace and strength. Please be with us through every step of the way. I love you. Amen."