Sunday, 25 May 2014

Sunday Smiles

   Today was a great day! We started off the day going to Smile Africa. The children have a church service there, so I went and participated in the service. It was so much fun! The music was amazing. I loved seeing all the children of Smile Africa singing and dancing before Jesus. All of the children sat and listened carefully to the speaker as he spoke. The first speaker of the day was a boy who actually lives at Smile Africa. I loved watching God’s miracles at work. When Smile Africa had first taken in this young boy, one might never have thought that he would be a pastor. Today we were watching as this young man spoke about Jesus and taught the other children.

    Once this young man had finished speaking we had another lady come speak as well. The both of them did a great job. I loved watching as these children are following God’s purpose for their lives. My favorite part of the service is, by far, the music. I love how lively the music is and how much they dance. I cannot help but smile as they are dancing for Jesus.

    Once we finished the service, Lisa and I took 2 babies to Pastor Ruth’s home. Baby John, who is only 7 months old, but has the body of a 3 month old due to severe malnourishment, was one of the babies that we took with us. And Baby Faith, who is only 6 weeks old. Sadly, her mother died soon after giving birth and her father cannot afford to care for this little baby girl at this time. So City of Lights agreed to take this baby and help keep her healthy. I have fallen in love with this little girl.

   Once we arrived at Pastor Ruth’s home we just took care of the babies and planned the activities for the next week and the plan for the baby home opening. It was a day of planning so we can make sure we spend our short time wisely.

   After planning the event, I met with a young girl who is pregnant for the second time by the same boy as the first pregnancy. Both of the parents do not work and the mother lives in terrible conditions. Pastor Ruth had asked me to talk with her and counsel her. I do not want to see her keep getting pregnant and not have any way of taking care of her children. I was nervous for the life of this baby that is on the way. I spoke with her and encouraged her. I think I said everything I could possibly say. All I can do now is pray for her and the life of those beautiful babies.

Tomorrow is Monday and this is the week of the opening of City of Lights Baby Home!!! There is so much to get done in the short time that we have, but I am so excited!

“Thank you Jesus for EVERYTHING! Thank you for allowing me to speak into people’s lives. I know I am not perfect, so thank you for trusting me anyway. I pray that you will continue to provide everything we need to make this babies home flourish. I love you! Amen.”

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