Thursday 29 May 2014

Protecting the Innocent

   Today we had to go to town and purchase more things for the baby home. Today was the last day to buy things and get them ready for the big dedication day. I was so happy that things were getting accomplished. I went through the town buying the necessary things and checking off the list. It really felt like things were coming together. Just as we were in town, we ran into Pastor Ruth, who was also buying things for the dedication day and for her home. We met with her and continued our journey with her.

   While we were riding in the van, Ruth got a phone call that someone we know very closely had given birth to a little boy. We immediately rushed to the hospital to check on the mother and the baby. As soon as I entered the hospital room I was amazed to see the mother smiling and happy and she had literally just given birth 5 minutes prior to our arrival. The mother handed me the baby and I held him closely. This boy was so beautiful. The mother already has a 2-year-old son, which she told me to name, so I named him Peter. Now this little boy in my arms she had asked me to name as well. I named him Daniel.

   I went to go bring the father to see his new son and he was so rude to the baby and to the mother that had just given birth. I was heart broken. How could a father just reject his son like that? That baby is innocent. In order to protect the mother’s feelings and her heart, and the heart of that baby, I told the father to go. The baby doesn’t have a voice, but I do, so I should use it. I again went and kissed Daniel good-bye.

   I was so happy that baby Daniel was born safely and that he and the mother are both healthy. It was a very exciting morning. After visiting the baby we went to City of Lights Baby Home to continue setting up the necessary things. That pretty much took as us all day. We were running back and forth cleaning and organizing everything.

   Toward the end of the day we were organizing clothes for the children when one of the nurses came to me and told me that baby Faith had a very high fever and they wanted to take her to the hospital. I immediately packed diapers and a bottle for the baby and left with the nurse. After an hour of waiting and asking different doctors to help, I decided to make a fuss about the lack of attention my 7 week old with a very HIGH fever was getting. I went to the main office and explained the problem and pleaded that they see this baby NOW. They finally agreed. So after a few hours and different tests, we found out that baby Faith has malaria, and she is only 7 weeks old. My heart broke for my sweet baby. We got the medicine that she needed and drove back to City of Lights Baby Home.

   The whole car ride I was praying for baby Faith. I prayed that her fever would break and that God would bring health back into her tiny, little body. I believe He will do it, He loves those babies more than I ever could.

  Today was a day of protecting the innocent. If I am meant to do anything in this world, it is to be the voice for the voiceless. That is who I am, who I was meant to be…and what a great job it is.

“Thank you Jesus for this day! Thank you for sending me to be the voice for these precious babies. Thank you for bringing baby Daniel into the world safely. I pray that You will watch over these precious babies. Please, Jesus, heal baby Faith quickly. Please take away all her pain. I thank you that you are Healer!” I love you! Amen!”

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